Thursday 18 April 2013

10 facts about girls

1. No girl will cook the whole dish only for herself.
2. 90% of girls are not happy with their figure.
3. Most of the girls under 25 years old can refuse from a serious relationship with a guy if he is younger for 2 years.
4. Girls are never jealous to other girl`s cleverness,more important indicator for them is appereance.
5. When three or more women get together, they talk about men
6. Girls are able to buy a pair of jeans which is one size smaller, thereby acquiring an incentive to lose weight.
7. Every girl likes cosmetics. Even if the girl doesn`t put on the make up, anyway, she has a huge number of these "jars" in the house.
8. Most of the girls keeps sms, cards, notes from their ex-bfs.
9.75% of women asks questions even if they know the answer
10.Girls always buy clothing,but still have nothing to wear!

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