Why does she have another one?
Many guys ask themselve this question surprisingly discovering that his girlfriend just suddenly became not only his, and with a cry of surprise: "How did it happen!" they are trying to get to the truth, which is actually on the surface. ...So, guys, here are the main reasons for this:
First, you did not call her (when promised, or once a day, it does not matter, it is important that YOU did not call!!), because you were busy / no time / sleeping / working / were with friends. Believe me, once or twice she will forgive and understand. But on the third time she will no longer care.... the fact is a fact: you didn`t call! And there can appear another one,who will call 5 times a day, write sms, etc. So for her it is a sign she is more important for him,than for you.Secondly, you are long time together, and you do not think it`s necessary to tell her you love her, she is the most beautiful, gentle, kind, intelligent and just a unique and unrepeatable girl. But why? You think you have already told her that and she knows it, so why to repeat? So can appear another guy, who will say this constantly. And even if he is not that cute as you, remember: Women love with ears! So do not be surprised...Third, when she calls you and says in hysterics about some trifling problem, and you're back at her: It's nonsense, no reason to cry, I have problems worse.... THAT'S IT!Guys, you're the stronger sex!! You must support and comfort! And the way her broken nail for you is nonsense, for her it can be compared with Armagedon! But you do not want not only to support, but also to listen!! So she can find the other one, who can always listen and understand (or at least pretend).Fourth, you sit with her in the company and behave as if it is not your girl, but some friend ... You do not allocate her among the other girls ... and it is so important. They just need to feel that she is YOURS-and she wants everyone to know it! But you're sitting next to her with a stone look. You think that if you are for a long time together, everyone knows it is your girl...So, dear, do not be surprised if the other guy will be from the same company. Cause he can give her small, but important attention...Fifth, what was the last time you were jealous? But why? You think if she's with you for a long time so you can be confident in her? Conclusion in her mind: feelings are gone, you do not care. So she can give some hope to another guy...Sixth, you can not find the time and money on a date with her, and courtesies (flowers, toys, gifts). You think if she is not asking for it, that she doesn`t want it...No!Guys, girls are girls! Any sign of the attention is always pleasant! Always! And if you are so long together, the period of sweets, bouquets went away, you might think it`s not necessary to see each other every day, something to give and to do anything for her... And the other guy at this time will be at the shops, looking for her favorite flowers, spend money in order to take her somewhere, going into a debt with buying her another teddy bear ...And for some reason, every man having achieved a girl, stop at this point.... GUYS! YOU ARE STRONG, SO ALWAYS STAY LIKE THIS!
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