Sunday, 23 December 2012

One more portion of street-art

Learn new things about the United States through the sandwiches!

One student from Chicago (Kelly Pratt) has presented an interesting project - a collection of sandwiches from 50 states. She named it as «Stately Sandwiches». It`s a delicious journey through America, isn`t it?

We went through all these dates

The UK vs the USA

It`s easier to be a man because....

1. Your phone call lasts 30 seconds.
2. Any movies contain more naked women than men
3. You need only one suitcase for a week of holiday
4. The row at the toilet is shorter for 80%.
6. You can open any bottle yourself.
7. Old friends do not care if you changed in your weight.
8. The shape of your butt is irrelevant for employment.
10. All your orgasms are real.
11. You do not always need to carry a whole bag of much-needed items.
12. Garage and the TV remote - are yours and only yours.
13. You do not have to shave anything below the neck.
14. If you are 34 years and not married yet, no one pays attention to it.
15. All the problems can be solved by flowers.
16. You think about sex 90% of the time.
17. Three pairs of shoes are more than enough for you.
18. You can take off a T-shirt, if you feel hot.
19. You do not care, if your friends haven`t noticed u had made a haircut.
20. You have the same mood during the whole month.
21. You never will go to another gas station just because this one is "nasty."
22. People never stare at your chest when you're talking to them.
23. If another man appeared at the party dressed as you are, you can become the best of friends.